Formalise Your Personal Loans
To Friends and Family

Formalising Your Person-To-Person
Loan Agreements

A Person-to-Person Loan Agreement or Personal Loan Agreement is exactly that, it's a loan agreement between individuals where one individual is providing a loan to the other.

Person to Person Loan Agreements or Personal Loan Agreements are generally a simple loan agreements between family members or friends and normally don’t require a security interest being registered on the PPSR or Personal Property Securities Register. Quite often it is for a smaller amount over a shorter period.

However, these simple loans can quite often be the cause of family rifts and the breakdown of relationships.

Formalising any Loan Agreement can save you in more ways than one.

Your Loan Agreement Established Your Way

We Are All Bound By Rules

Set Your Own Interest Rate

Loan interest can be set based on the rate agreed by both parties. Not only can you set your own interest rate, but other options can also include,

  • Not charging an Interest Rate
  • Setting A Flat Fee
  • Including A Balloon payment

It’s totally up to you. Your Loan Agreement is totally flexible.

Another option available is to include the loan establishment costs into the Loan Agreement spreading the costs over the life of the loan and limiting any upfront costs to the borrower. 

Set Your Own Loan Term

The Loan Term is variable based on affordability and the needs of both parties. It can be anywhere from 12 months to 7 years. A one to two year period seems to be pretty standard.

Set The Repayment Frequency

Again, totally dependent of the parties requirements, but the loan repayments can be set from weekly, fortnightly, monthly or even quarterly.

Managing the loan frequency to that which is ideal for each party can go a long way to ensuring minimal defaults.

Automatic Loan Payments

Our Automatic Direct Debit Facility ensures the loan payments progress smoothly over the period of the loan and helps eliminate defaults in loan repayments. It has been found that utilising a direct debit facility in conjunction with a loan back-office dashboard proves the most effective.

Potential Costs

Loan Management Dashboard

Get Paid on Time

Loan Management Dashboard

Our Loan Management Dashboard provides the Lender with direct access to their Person-to-Person Loan Agreement, which allows the lender to log into their personalise Loan Management Dashboard 24/7.

This is where the Lender can view all loan repayments, including which payments have been made and which are still outstanding. The Lender will even receive automated notifications of any defaults in loan repayments by the borrower.

Our Person-to-Person Loan Agreement Management Dashboard is the centre piece of your loan management functionality with various other options available.


If you like to know more about "How You Can Formalise Your Personal Loan Agreements To Friends And Family" please feel free to request our FREE Facts Sheet here.

Until Next Time, Have a Great Day

Paul Tweedie



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