A Chattel Lease is simply a lease agreement between a Trust or Holding Company with an asset register or list of chattels attached to the lease.
Since the introduction of the PPSA Legislation, title over goods or equipment no longer exists without being registered on the PPSR. A Chattel Lease simply allows for the Trust or Holding entity to register its assets on the PPSR thereby maintaining ownership.
By including the appropriate legislation into a Chattel Lease Agreement, a trust or holding company can register a security interest on the PPSR when it leases its assets to a trading entity thereby maintaining ownership of that equipment.
A Chattel Lease is designed to protect a trust or holding company’s assets by cementing ownership over the trust or holding company’s assets when the Chattel Lease is registered on the PPSR.
A Chattel Lease is designed to protect a business’s trust assets and is a lease agreement between a business trust or holding company, and it's trading entity. The Chattel Lease Agreement needs to include the appropriate PPSA legislation allowing for a PPSA Registration.
Without a Chattel Lease Agreement, it is highly likely that any liquidation of a trading entity will include the trust assets being used by that trading entity.
A Chattel Lease Agreement formalises the existing relationship between your Trust or Holding entity and the trading entity.
You should include your holding companies or trusts list of assets being used by your trading entity including any vehicles and/or equipment.
A Chattel Lease needs to be registered on the PPSR to be valid.
7 Years
With over 35 years’ experience Collection Consultancy Australia prides itself in offering Products and Services designed to Protect Business Assets and Cashflow. Quite often the process can start from simply making business owners aware that there is option available, through to business specific solutions and education. We are here to let business owners know that there can be a better way to secure their financial future.
PO Box 7160,East Brisbane QLD 4169.
Phone: 1300 565 988.
Email: info@collectionconsultancy.com.au
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